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20. 05. 2024

We are pleased to invite you to a lecture as part of the IAPG DAYS, taking place on Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Liběchov, starting at 9:45 AM. The lecture, titled "AI Methods in Biomedical Sciences," will be delivered by Ing. Martin Čejka from the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague.

20. 05. 2024

We are pleased to invite you to a lecture as part of the IAPG DAYS, taking place on Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Liběchov, starting at 9:45 AM. The lecture, titled "AI Methods in Biomedical Sciences," will be delivered by Ing. Martin Čejka from the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague.

10. 05. 2023
On May 24th 2023 a workshop called New Aspects of Developmental Biology will take place in the meeting room in Liběchov. You can find the programme here. ...
19. 04. 2022

14th Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation meeting in Prague - Chateau Štiřín is approaching. Join to us to hear exiting stories and to discuss your recent projects related not just tooth but also other oral structures from morphological, evo-devo up to clinical perspective.

20. 08. 2021
Mgr. Rajan lyyappan, Ph.D., Laboratory of Biochemistry and molecular biology of germ cells „Understanding the regulation of translational reprogramming in the meiosis and mitosis pre and post fertilization” Final Report Report Evaluation RNDr. Dávid Drutovič, Ph.D. ...
08. 01. 2021

We are organizing in September: The 2nd Conference of the Visegrad Group Society for Developmental Biology!

09. 11. 2018

During the two-day open day, 80 students and teachers from secondarry grammer schools and high schools visited our laboratory. Several attractions were prepared for the visitors, they could try themselves methods routinely used in a biological laboratory. DNA concentration was measured on the Nano Drop, samples were loaded on the gel and gram staining of bacteria was performed. On the top of that individual sections within the lab with all their instruments were presented and lecture about microbiome was held in the library.