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Selected range: all newsNowadays, when open publishing is increasingly widespread, it is essential to distinguish between the characteristics of trustworthy and predatory journals. This workshop aims to provide the key information and skills needed to safely navigate the open publishing space for researchers, academics and students. Participants will learn to recognise trustworthy journals and understand the characteristics of predatory publishers.
Dovolujeme si Vás pozvat na Ph.D. den v Liběchově, kde budou celý den probíhat přednášky studentů prvních, pátých a pokročilejších ročníků, třeťáci a čtvrťáci se představí formou posteru. Součástí programu bude i zvaná přednáška o predátorských časopisech.
We are pleased to invite you to a lecture as part of the IAPG DAYS, taking place on Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Liběchov, starting at 9:45 AM. The lecture, titled "AI Methods in Biomedical Sciences," will be delivered by Ing. Martin Čejka from the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague.
We are pleased to invite you to a lecture as part of the IAPG DAYS, taking place on Thursday, May 23, 2024, in Liběchov, starting at 9:45 AM. The lecture, titled "AI Methods in Biomedical Sciences," will be delivered by Ing. Martin Čejka from the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague.
14th Tooth Morphogenesis and Differentiation meeting in Prague - Chateau Štiřín is approaching. Join to us to hear exiting stories and to discuss your recent projects related not just tooth but also other oral structures from morphological, evo-devo up to clinical perspective.
We are organizing in September: The 2nd Conference of the Visegrad Group Society for Developmental Biology!