

We can offer services supported by our top notch equipment, incl. e.g.:

  • Anaesthesiology system Siare Morpheus
  • Blood biochemistry and haematology analysers
  • Endoscopy set with a videogastroscope, operating vitrectomes
  • X-ray C system, operating microscope, noninvasive telemetry system and photocoagulation green laser
  • Mass spectrometers Sciex TripleTOF 5600+ and Sciex QTRAP 5500 coupled to Eksigent nanoLC 425
  • Luminex 200 Fluorescence bead flow cytometry based instrument for multiplex immunoassays
  • BD FACS Aria cell sorter, Bio-Rad PharosFX fluorescence scanner
  • 2D gel electrophoresis and 2D HPLC for protein fractionation, BioTek Synergy plate reader
  • Leica SP5 confocal microscope, Olympus IX73 inverted fluorescence microscope.

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